Aspiring buyers look for many things when they’re searching for a new property. A big garden, more bedrooms or a good location are all factors that could add value to your property. But did you know your street name could too?
Over 90% of people don’t care about the name of the street on which their chosen home is located, but if your street name is happy, then chances are you could be too. Research1 shows that street names containing ‘positive’ words could boost the value of your property by nearly £25,000 on average.
Pretty happy?
The research showed that certain positive words are more valuable than others. The word ‘chipper’ adds the most value to properties, boosting asking prices by £56,571 on average. Next comes ‘pretty’, adding a cool £44,918.
There are regional differences, too. In Scotland, ‘peace’ will add an average of £24,147, while you’ll be ‘happy’ to know that this word boosts asking prices by £15,516 on average.
And the happiest region is…?
… the North West, with 237 cheerful street names. You’re also lucky if you live in Yorkshire and the Humber, which boasts 199 positive street names, the South East with 175, and the South West with 157 cheerful names.
1Bankrate, 2020
As a mortgage is secured against your home or property, it could be repossessed if you do not keep up mortgage repayments.